The 4 Cs To Successful Blogging

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While everyone can easily become a blogger, not everyone can be a profit-making-blogger. Yes, there is such a thing as a profit-making-blogger, a successful blogger.


With the resources available, creating a blog is as simple as creating a new social media profile, quick and easy. You can probably have a blog up and running before you even complete the sentence – I’m going to start blogging. Well, almost.


The real challenge though begins later. It lies in driving traffic to the blog, making it thrive or as we call it in the blogging world – engagement


Monetising your blog takes work, a lot of work in fact. It doesn’t happen overnight. Here’s an inside scoop from someone for whom blogging is a way of life, it takes dedicated and constant hard work to make the journey from a blogger to an established blogger. Having said that, it’s not impossible either. Nothing ever is.


So, what does it take to create a profitable blog? What do you need to do and remember to become a successful, respected and money making blogger?


Well, you just need to remember the 4 Cs of blogging. Yes, just 4 Cs.


Let’s see what those are then, shall we?





A blog is only as good as its content. Therefore, before you even create a blog, you need to have a clear and concise answer to these questions – What should I blog about? What topic would interest my readers? What can I bring to the table that others can’t? What should my content be like?


I have seen many blogs come up and vanish in the course of my life as a blogger. The initial noise was huge, excitement palpable but they fizzled out in no time. These blogs were like short term relationships with no future. The problem being those behind these blogs started without even knowing what they wanted to write about and how.


Of course, a blog, like everything else, grows and changes with time but there still needs to be an initial idea, a rough sketch on which a successful blog can be built. But that’s not the only thing about content that you should take care of.


Once you know what you want to write on, it needs to be authentic and be an extension of yourself. Unless, your content is original, has your stamp all over it, gives something extra to your readers, it will be hard for your blog to thrive.


So, the first C you need to focus on is content.


Content at a glance


  • What to write about
  • Originality
  • Presentation
  • Theme
  • Language
  • SEO




A consistent schedule is as important to a blog as sunlight is to the plants in your garden. You need to figure out your posting frequency, how many times per week you would be publishing a new post. It is important because readers don’t have as much of an attention span as you would like, what with millions of blogs to choose from. Out of sight, out of mind is how it works here as well.


You need to make sure that your content is posted with regularity and in a familiar fashion. Often sticking to the same days in a week helps because that creates a pattern which is easy for a visitor to remember.


A lot of bloggers, including me, believe that Mondays are the best to publish a new post. Perhaps after a weekend people come back to reading with a renewed vigour. But that’s essentially up to you. The key is to decide your schedule and stick to it.


Consistency at a glance


  • Schedule
  • Recurring Theme
  • Pre-planning posts





Nobody who blogs can say that he or she doesn’t like to be read. You put it out there so that your post is read, shared and commented upon. And this being the age of social media, the best way to publicise your blog is through social media. Every time a blogger hits the publish button, it is with the hope of the post going viral.


You need to remember a few keys points to get this right.


  • Read to be read.
  • Share and comment on posts by others to have the same done to your post.
  • Engage with readers who drop comments on your posts.
  • Use your social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc to promote your posts.
  • Set up a profile for your blog on each of the networks.
  • Set up sharing buttons on your blog tagged to your social media handles.
  • Use proper hashtags while sharing.
  • Set up auto-sharing of your posts through services like Buffer to keep your posts floating in the social media throughout the week.
  • Share your posts with relevant profiles to gain some new readers.
  • Go ahead and form a blogging community to grow together


Once you do these, the communication aspect of your blog will be well and truly taken care of.




Like everything else in life, you cannot be a successful blogger if you are not committed to it. Whether it’s a marketing blog or a personal blog; a fashion blog or a travel blog, it cannot thrive unless you are committed to seeing it succeed.


You need to have the urgency and the will to go the distance. Remember without this one particular C none of the other Cs matter.


Commitment is just commitment at a glance.


Those were the 4 Cs of becoming a successful blogger. So, tell me, are you ready to be one?


New to blogging? Looking for blogging tips? Here’s some blogging advice for new bloggers. Let me know if these are part of your blogging strategy. #blogging #bloggingtips #blogger #newblogger


29 thoughts on “The 4 Cs To Successful Blogging”

  1. Oh, I am so so ready, Naba. Those are some important points to be a successful blogger. I have learnt it the hard way though. I wasn’t regular with my food blog initially. Now that I am, I see so much more love and encouragement. It needs commitment and consistency as you said. And I’m up for it now. Thanks for your insightful post.

  2. I have no idea about SEO. I think I should read about it. I agree with all the points here. Have seen many who fizzed out earlier than coke poured in a jar. I do follow most of the things here, except for reading other people. My schedule from the last years is so bad that comment count has decreased from average 100 to 30. But then, many were those who just wanted a scratch back. 🙂

  3. Good pointers. L think one very important component of a good blog is passion. Somewhere you must enjoy what you write and should want to build real connections. Scratch my back blogs vanish quickly.

  4. Valid points, Naba. Agree with Rachna that primarily you must blog because you want to. Without passion you’d lose steam very quickly. Blog with passion and network with purpose. That will bring in the rewards.

  5. Wow!! What a sensible post and how concisely you have put it down. I agree with all of your points as I have expereinced the magic of these Cs through various bloggin campaigns where in all of these came into full force. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Very relevant points Nabanitaji. However I stress more on the Content and Consistency bit of it. But these 4Cs are the recipe for a successful blogging career !

  7. I couldn’t agree more. These are all important if one is serious about blogging. Very informative post Naba and thanks for the reminder 🙂

  8. You’re now officially a Guru (or is that Mata) of blogging 🙂
    Perfect ingredients I’d say for success in blogging.

  9. I couldn’t agree more Nabanita! all the 4 Cs are required to be a successful blogger. Read to be read is one principle I live by and have found success too. Consistency and commitment – are the two sisters that take us to higher levels as bloggers

  10. Excellent points Naba! Along with these Cs, passion is important too. That’s what will keep you going even during the tough times, and it’s what will help you to get back in the game if you have to take a pause for some reason.

  11. Thanks the article is really helpful indeed, I feel so enlightened. The four Cs you have mentioned are the foundation for a thriving blog. Since I am new to blogging and in my second month now, I will consider them seriously:)

  12. Firstly Thank You for reinforcing the important points of blogging..
    Secondly, you have presented your blog in a very attractive way..
    Finally, though I do not have the unique theme on which I blog about, but have the passion to blog regularly about anything which clicks in my mind..
    And I am strongly in favour of community development as it gives us immense exposure and learning 🙂

  13. You have quite perfectly captured all the important ingredients required in maintaining a blog. There are so many out there who start a blog with much fanfare but in the end it all fizzles out either due to the lack of interest, time, content or what not. As you mentioned, without commitment, none of the other 4Cs matter at all.

  14. Thanks for such a useful article, Naba! Lately, I have started taking blogging seriously. Can you please tell me how much views are required to sign up for Adsense? How old the blog should be?

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